
Last night, Jennifer called me. “Guess where I am?” she asked.

“Uhm . . . I don’t know. Where?” I asked.

“I’m in the car, driving home!” she said.

“What? With Chloe?” I asked. (Duh.)

“Yes, with Chloe! The doctors said she was ready to come home!”

So today, I went to Chloe’s house and got to kiss her chubby little baby cheeks. She looks so beautiful and pink and healthy!

I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers. They have made all the difference. Please continue to pray for her, that she remains very healthy during these crucial first months.

Praise God, she is home!

8 Responses to Chloe

  1. July 18, 2008 #

    That’s reason to celebrate! To God be the glory!!

  2. July 18, 2008 #

    Wonderful news! I am so happy!

  3. July 18, 2008 #

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
    Rejoicing in the Lord

  4. July 18, 2008 #

    Oh, what wonderful news to find here! Praise God! I can just imagine the delight of her family! I am sure it is boundless, as I feel delighted, and I have never even met Chloe! Thank you for giving us the joy of praying for her, Renae!

  5. July 19, 2008 #

    I too will praise the Lord that his wonderchild is back home,
    and lift up my voice for young Cole and his malfunctioning liver.
    From Felisol

  6. July 19, 2008 #

    Amen! Holy God, we praise thy Name!!

  7. July 19, 2008 #

    Praise God!

  8. July 19, 2008 #



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