Ephesians 5:8 – 10 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.”
Do you know how, in the movies, the bad guys always hide in dark places? Rarely will the heroine walk down a shadowy, dark alley to meet a good person. Instead, with menacing music playing in the background, the audience sees what she doesn’t – there is evil lurking in the dark! We yell at the screen, willing her to hear us, telling her to go the other way!
But then, hopefully, the hero swoops in at exactly the right moment, wearing a white shirt and hat. The alley (miraculously) lights up, and the hero rescues her from evil and darkness.
Once upon a time, we were in darkness. Some of you reading this may still be there. But God is light! He wants to rescue us from the evil one, who is out to destroy us. And then, He wants to fill up our lives with His light, so that we can be a lighthouse to others who may still be in darkness.
When we continue to live in darkness, when we continue to do the same things we did before we became God’s children, we put ourselves in danger of destruction. (After all, why would we want to stay in the dark alley, when we know the bad guy is there?) But we also put others in danger. God places His light inside us so that others can see Him, and be pointed to Him. When we fail to shine, we deny others the chance to be saved.
So, how do we shine? Easy. Just find out what pleases the Lord, and do that. If it is good and true and pure and righteous and peaceful and holy, do it. If it is bad or impure or evil or lewd or sinful, don’t do it. By simply living our lives to please the Lord, we will naturally reflect His light. And I guess that will make us sort of like heroes with white hats, leading people to the One True Hero.
I want to be that kind of hero, don’t you?
Dear Father, I want to shine. Please help me to live a life that pleases You.
Thanks Renae! I want to shine too. I love you.
Great post, Renae (as usual!). Thanks for making this so simple.
Thanks, Mom! You do shine – you’re one of the brightest lights I know!
And Jeannette, thanks. It’s always great to have you here. 🙂
Dear Renae,
I say amen to your light sermon.
You are inspiring.
Like Jeanette said, you make it so simple.
Pray, Love, Walk in the Light.
That’s just what I want to do.
Despite the evil who always reminds me of my many failures,
I’m getting encouraged to try once more.
Hoping that God’s amazing light will lead me.
Bless you
From Felisol
Dear Felisol, So glad to hear you know exactly who reminds us of our failures! I once heard it said, “When Satan reminds you of your past, you remind him of his future.”
I know you are already shining, for you are drawing near to God. When we do that, we can’t help but reflect the light He shines on us!
this is a great site this is lauren!!
Thanks, Lauren! Be sure to check out the Morning Cocoa page! 🙂
Miss R.
I want to shine everyday for the Lord. I still can see your beautiful face everyday shinning for the Lord.
We love you guys and miss you.
Oh, Heather, we miss you too! Come back to Texas please! 🙂