Empty Words

Ephesians 5:6 – 7 “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them.”

Don’t you just hate it when someone rains on your parade? Honestly, it is so annoying when we are just trying to relax, just trying to have a good time, and someone makes us feel guilty. Perhaps we are engaging in some innocent gossip, or laughing at an off-color joke. We don’t need some stick-in-the-mud coming along, making us feel bad about what we are doing.

So instead of feeling guilty, we surround ourselves with people who are okay with our little pet sins. “It’s really no big deal,” they tell us. “God understands. He won’t send you to hell for a little thing like that.” They tell us what we want to hear, and all is good. Right?

There’s just one little problem. To God, sin is serious. Yes, He loves us, and it breaks His heart to have to punish us. But He will discipline us when we knowingly do things we know are wrong. Just as a loving parent disciplines his child, God will discipline His children. He loves us, and He only wants the best things for us. We can have His best the easy way, or we can have it the hard way. We can avoid sin altogether. Or we can do what we want, and suffer the consequences.

I’ve tried it both ways. And trust me, God’s discipline is not fun. But I am so glad He loved me enough to discipline me! He loved me so much that He was willing to let me go through some hard things, to keep me from falling off a cliff of destruction.

Friends, people who encourage us to travel away from God instead of toward Him are not our friends. They may tell us what we want to hear, but they are not doing us any favors. Perhaps they are headed down their own paths to destruction, and they want some company. But whatever their reasons, they will not help us to achieve the joy and the peace and the fulfillment that God wants us to experience in this life. We shouldn’t judge them, but rather, we should love them and pray for them. And, we should stay away from them.

Dear Father, Please help me to stay away from people who will lead me away from You. I want to always move toward You.


8 Responses to Empty Words

  1. April 15, 2008 #

    I have been guilty of surrounding myself with people that are not helping me grow, too. Thankfully I have a much better radar these days (hopefully!!). This would be a great devotional for teens. What at time to be influenced by others!! They are making decisions that will impact the rest of their lives and so many are in bad company!!

    I also agree with you. I don’t like God’s discipline!! When that sin looks tempting, I try to remind myself that the discipline is simply not worth it. Some days, of course, I am stronger than others. 🙂

    Great thoughts here!!

  2. April 15, 2008 #

    Thanks, Robyn! I think we are all guilty of that. And perhaps we’re all guilty of encouraging others to do things we know are wrong, as well. But you’re right. We all need to be careful, for “bad company corrupts good character” (1 Cor. 15:33).

    As always, great to see you here!


  3. April 16, 2008 #

    I like your “tell it like it is” PHILOSOPHY.

    Thank YOU!!!!

  4. April 16, 2008 #

    Thanks, James. Great to see you here!


  5. April 16, 2008 #

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could always remember to be a true friend to those who might not be a friend to us? What if we could always be the one to encourage those who would lead us down the wrong path to instead to come with us and we could both travel down the better path. Company is good. I challenge you to take someone with you this week!
    I, like James, like your “tell it like it is” philosophy.

  6. April 16, 2008 #

    Thanks, Mom! 🙂

  7. April 16, 2008 #

    Dear Renae,
    thank you for kind mail words.
    Your morning coffee may be strong, but that’s how I like it.
    I too have experienced the Lord’s way of dicipling me as painful, but just.
    Now, when praying for help,(for instance to forgive), I usually ask help me gently.
    The same goes for when I ask him to keep my daughter near to him, “Hold her mildly, please.”

    Good to know that God IS love, and that we are supposed to wander in love.
    Love does not harm anyone.
    I guess I’ll pray for more love.
    Thanks for letting me in and feed me by your table,
    From Felisol

  8. April 16, 2008 #

    Felisol, I love having you here!

    I usually pray that I can be a quick learner. So many times I have to keep learning the same lessons over and over.

    Blessings, dear friend!


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