Happy New Year, my friends!
For me, 2010 was a good year. A hard one, a humbling one in many ways . . . yet good nonetheless. Lots of lessons learned, lots of growing and stretching and changing. So, it’s good to have that behind me, and it’s good to be where I am today. God is good, yes?
Anyway, one of my new year’s resolutions is to reacquaint myself with one of my loves – writing. Not that I’ve given up writing completely, but as many of you have figured out from my absence here – I’ve taken a little break from that part of my life. Needed to make room for all that growing and stretching and changing and humbling. Ahem.
Anyway, I am back. At least, I hope I’m back, and I hope I’m more of the person God created me to be than I was last year at this time.
I didn’t write a new New-Year’s article this year, but I thought you might enjoy reading last year’s New Year’s post. May God bless you and bless you, in 2011 and always!
With the amazing, overwhelming love of our Father,
<3 <3 <3 Renae
Happy New Year, Renae. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your writing in the coming year.
Thank you, Lillie! Happy New Year to you, too.
Welcome back!
Thanks, Jean!