Hello Friends! It is election time! And please, don’t get me started on the importance of voting.
Oh? You thought I was talking about the presidential elections?
No, sillies. I’m talking about the Morning Coffee elections.
You see, there are just too, too many wonderful books of the Bible for me to choose from. So, I’m asking for your opinions.
So far, for those of you long-timers, we have been through James, 1-3 John, Philippians, and Ruth, with a few of the Proverbs thrown in for good measure. I think at some point I would like to redo 1-3 John. I’m also feeling good about Ephesians and Esther.
What do you all think? Please keep in mind that I’m not ready to tackle a super-long book of the Bible. Someday, but not yet. So, of all the “short” books, which would you most like to study?
I value your opinions. But I must issue a disclaimer. Please remember that Morning Coffee is not really a democracy at all. I get final say. 🙂
Blessings to you, dear readers! I hope to hear from each and every one of you – even you quiet “no comment” people out there.
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3
you can’t go wrong! My vote would be Ephesians since you just did a “story” – Ruth – and then Esther after that. I LOVE Esther (obviously). 🙂
Hey, girl – good luck on getting the comments and votes.
I went so far as to offer guns one time for comments and only had one taker, who put in an order for a super-duper squirt gun!
Unfortunately, people are just too busy these days to try to rack their brains for an intelligent sounding comment.
It’s a disease that seems to afflict all of us: the busyness and the mental strain of sounding intelligent.
But for what it’s worth, all those intelligent visitors out there who are coming to your site in droves, are getting a whole lot out of your posts.
And will, no matter what you choose to cover next.
I’ll put my two cents in, though I’m sure you don’t need it: how about a gospel account?
Don’t take this wrong on any account, but sometimes you Protestants lean a little too heavily on the Letters, it seems to this Catholic convert. Ha!
Well, I’ve taken up good space on your site long enough today.
So, I just say, Carry on, woman – you’re doing a great job!
And, ps, I love you.
Your Catholic, Christian, writer, woman friend,
Thanks, Judi and TJ! Judi, will take your advice into consideration. To be honest, I have considered doing one of the gospels, but they are so loooooong! 😉 I’m trying to stay with the shorter books for now. But how about this? Before 2008 is up, I will start on one of the gospels!
You may have to remind me later of that promise!
Love you, girl.
I am glad that you get the final say. I think you and God do a wonderful job. I like John, Galatians and Ephesians.
Well, TJ wins! Let’s do Ephesians, shall we? 😉
my vote is for Esther
Oh, dear, Cheryl . . . we’ve already begun our trek through Ephesians.
I’ll do the lovely orphan-queen next. I promise.
She’s one of my favorites, too.