Bible Heroes

We just finished up a week of Bible Heroes Camp. Each day, Kate, Linda, Michelle and I entertained children, ages 4 – 12, and taught them about the heroes of the Bible. Kate and Linda planned the crafts, games and snacks, I taught the lessons and music, and Michelle was the best go-to girl on the planet.

Monday, Paul came and visited the children. I was told he looked a lot like me, only with a beard. He appeared just minutes after I left to go and look for him. Tuesday, Queen Esther made an appearance. She looked like me too, or so I was told. Once again, I went in search of her and completely missed the visit. 😉

Wednesday, Moses came. I missed him too. I am told I also bear a strong resemblance to him, except for the gray hair and beard.

I must have some Jewish blood in me somewhere.

Thursday, we met an 8-year-old Mary, and Friday, we met a 6-year-old David. It was great to teach these children, and to be reminded myself, that Bible heroes weren’t perfect. They weren’t even that great, all by themselves. Paul was a murderer. Esther was an orphan who hid her true identity. Moses was also a murderer, and he had a speech impediment. David – a murderer and an adulterer. Mary was just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary God.

They each had one thing in common. When God called, they obeyed. They loved God, and they did their best to do what He said.

So if loving God, and obeying Him, is all that God requires . . . there may be hope for us all, don’t you think?

We had fun this week. But I had forgotten what it felt like to be this tired.


6 Responses to Bible Heroes

  1. August 9, 2008 #

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time at Bible Heroes Camp! I can’t believe that you missed all those visits, though 🙂

  2. August 9, 2008 #

    I can’t believe it either! 😉 At least I was there for Mary and David.

  3. August 9, 2008 #

    Too bad you missed meeting all those Bible heroes. You’ll just have to learn when to go looking. 🙂

  4. August 9, 2008 #

    Hi Lillie! My sense of timing isn’t always the greatest. LOL

  5. August 10, 2008 #

    Sounds like loads of fun for the kids & the “characters.”



    ps – I think I figured out the “feed” thing.

  6. August 10, 2008 #

    Glad to hear you figured that out, Jean! Yes, we did have a lot of fun.

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