Esther 2:16 – 18 “She was taken to King Xerxes in the royal residence in the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign. Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. And the king gave a great banquet, Esther’s banquet, for all his nobles and officials. He proclaimed a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed gifts with royal liberality.”
Esther approached the king with her simple attire, her exquisite beauty, and her humble attitude, and Xerxes was smitten. He knew, as soon as he saw her, that she was the one! Now, some might see this as a great love story, but I’m not so sure. Xerxes was an old man, Esther was a young beauty, and the king just wanted a trophy wife, to replace the one he had banished. Yes, Esther was a lovable girl. But his love for her was pretty shallow, in my opinion.
Still, she was made queen. Here she was, a little Jewish orphan girl, being made queen over one of the largest Gentile empires in the history of the world. You’ve gotta admit, that’s pretty impressive. And very significant.
I wonder what Esther was thinking during all of this. I’m sure she was glad she won, for she knew the consequences if she didn’t. Still, I can’t help but wonder if she wasn’t a little scared. What if she messed up, and angered the king as Vashti had? What if someone found out her secret – that she was a Jew? What would become of her?
It is important to recognize that God placed Esther on the throne well before the Jews were in danger. He needed her to already be in place, when danger came, so she would be in a position to do something about it. Esther may have been confused and frightened, but God was still God. He had a purpose and a plan, though she had no way of knowing that purpose at the time she was made queen.
Sometimes, we are placed in circumstances, and we have no idea what God is doing. We question Him, and we see no possible reason for our situation. Perhaps we are forced to move away from our home, for a new job. Perhaps we even lose our job, or even worse, lose someone we love.
But friends, God would not have placed you on this earth if He didn’t have a plan for you. And though you can’t see the future, God can. When things happen that you don’t understand, trust Him. He loves you more than anything, and He knows what He is doing.
Dear Father, I know I can trust You, even when my life doesn’t make sense. Thank You.
You’re doing that telepathic thing again Renae! I knelt at Mass this morning, pretty troubled and confused, and said ‘I don’t understand what you’re doing here Lord, but I’m pretty sure you do, so I’ll just go with the flow’.
Then I thought ‘I wonder what Renae’s written about today….’
Well, what can I say? We must be connected by the Holy Spirit or something . . . 🙂
‘I don’t understand what you’re doing here Lord, but I’m pretty sure you do, so I’ll just go with the flow’
Dear Father, Please be with Jackie and help her to better understand her situation. Help her to continue to trust You.
Love this, R. I have used this book and concept to encourage Corbin in his job the past couple of months, that he’s there for “such a time as this.” Encouraged this mornings – as always!
Amen, amen, amen!
My life is a testimony to this concept.
I am so thankful that the Son is always there behind the clouds.
Ps. I’m so glad you and Mother have developed such a dear friendship.
TJ, I will pray for Corbin. I know God has an important reason for him being right where he is. We may never know, in this life, all the reasons for the things we go through!
And Judi, welcome back, my friend! Yes, your life is certainly a testimony to God’s goodness – and how He can bring good out of just about any circumstance!
Wow. I haven’t saw this book about how the king had shallow love for Esther. It is certainly God who placed her in the position of the queen which I suppose she wouldn’t have expected at all. And for such a time as that, God could use her, and definitely have us moving along too, in the direction that He had needed to make things happen.
He definitely have a plan for all of us here, and we can be a great blessing (help and problem solver) in the place that we are in for this season. 🙂
– Daniel
Thanks, Daniel! Yes, He will always use us to do His work in this world, no matter our situation, as long as we are willing! Great to see you.