Ruth 3:18 “Then Naomi said, “Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.”
Have you ever watched an expectant father pacing about a hospital waiting room? He knows something big, something wonderful is about to happen. And there isn’t a thing he can do to influence the course of events. All he can do is wait. All his nervous pacing and nail biting won’t make a bit of difference. He might as well just sit down and get some rest.
Easier said than done.
Sometimes, we know we are on the brink of something big happening in our lives. Perhaps we are waiting to hear if we got promoted, or maybe we’re waiting on a medical report. Perhaps we just sense, somewhere in our spirits, that God is working. But friends, our Master wants us to trust Him with every matter in our lives. There are some things that we just can’t control, and no amount of pacing or manipulating or biting our nails will help matters one bit. We just have to trust that God, who loves us so very much, is going to take care of things. We might as well just sit down in our cozy rocking chairs, put our feet up, and relax. Very often, the thing our Lord wants us to do is just wait.
And with the waiting comes trusting. Notice that Naomi said, “The man will not rest until the matter is settled.” She had faith in Boaz. She trusted in his character, and she knew he would do all in his power to take care of things.
Our God, who created us and who loves us more than we can ever think or imagine, is going to take care of us. We are His passion! He created us for Himself, because He wanted to love us and have a relationship with us. He has proven His love for us over and over and over again, in countless ways. So how can we ever doubt, for a single second, that He is busy seeing to our every need? We don’t need to stress ourselves out and worry and fret and bite our nails or eat three pounds of chocolate or whatever it is we do when we are anxious.
We just need to wait. Relax. Rest. Trust in His goodness. We can know that our Father, who never sleeps, is always taking care of us.
Psalm 33:20 “We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.”
Psalm 37:7 “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.”
Dear Father, Thank You for Your constant, everlasting concern for every detail of my life. Please help me to trust in Your love as I wait on You.
I’m currently in a “waiting” period right now myself, and it is hard at times. I’m glad I read this.
The waiting can be awful, can’t it? But I have learned, and have to remind myself often, that God will never let me down. He is so very good.
Praise God, Renae for your faithfulness in writing and reaching out to people with the Word of God.
I spent almost fifty years in God’s waiting room, waiting to be called onto the stage.
As hard as it was sometimes, I would not change a moment of that waiting.
Because He was preparing me, as He prepares all of us, for a greater purpose than we can ever imagine.
Here’s to waiting on God!