Our New President

Congratulations, United States! You have a new president. And while he may or may not be the person you voted for, he does represent some positive change in our country. He is a good man with a lovely family, and his election, in many ways, represents the ideals here in the United States – ideals which have long been awaiting reality.

Barack Obama is a living, breathing example of the term, “The Melting Pot”. A white mother. A father of mixed race, including African and Arabic. Obama’s very existence is a picture of who we are in this country. His election to the highest office in our land will certainly add a more balanced view to the portraits hanging in the hallowed halls of the White House.

As a white American, I admit that I will never understand what it is like, not to be white. I admit that things have probably been easier for me, that doors have perhaps been opened more freely for me, simply because of the color of my skin. I have many dear friends of many different races, and I believe I have judged people by their character, and not their color.

But I understand that not everyone does that. And because of the folks who have judged others based on color alone, many of our citizens have suffered. Some have been denied jobs. Some have been wrongly accused.

I hope, that by putting a man of mixed race in the White House, a man who is married to a black woman, a man who has two beautiful biracial daughters . . . I hope that will bring healing to our land. I hope Barack Obama’s position will bring unity, rather than division. God knows, we need some unity.

I pledge to you today, dear readers, that I will pray for Barack Obama. I will not slander him as a person, but rather, I will choose to give him the benefit of the doubt. I will choose to believe that he will do his very best to lead our nation, and that his decisions, though they may not be my preferences, will be made from a pure heart.

I will pray that the Almighty God will shower His wisdom and guidance on this man. I will pray that God will surround him with wise, righteous advisors, people who love our country and who will help him to serve this country to the very best of his ability.

Mr. Obama, you ran your election on a platform of hope and positive change. Hope for all Americans, for a brighter tomorrow. Change which will tear down the walls that have so divided our country. I will pray God Himself will help you deliver on those promises. May God bless you, and may God bless America.

Romans 13:1 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

6 Responses to Our New President

  1. November 7, 2008 #

    Amen, Renae. Just the other day while reading Mike Hyatt’s blog, I was reminded that we need to give Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt. It’s a message I needed to hear, even though I had already committed myself to pray for him. I’m glad your post today mentions it as well. It must be something many of us need to hear. Thanks for your positive post!

  2. November 7, 2008 #

    Yes, Cheryl. Since I submitted this to my editor on Wednesday, I’ve read that idea several places. As you said, it must be something we need to hear.

  3. November 7, 2008 #

    Wonderful post Renae.

  4. November 12, 2008 #

    I’m praying daily for the new president during the 77 days between the election and inauguration with the Presidential Prayer Team. Then I’ll continue with the weekly Presidential Prayer Team prayers.

  5. November 12, 2008 #

    I think that’s the most important thing we can do – for both him and our country. Thanks, Lillie!

  6. November 21, 2008 #

    Lilly! I have just found you comments this morning! I’m so sorry I haven’t responded. Thank you!

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