about the morning when death was conquered by our Lord.
I mean, God, I know how things were on that Friday when He died. Or at least I’ve heard.
The sun hid its face. All was black, right in the middle of the day.
The earth shook.
Creation mourned, that day that Your own Son became sin, for me.
All of creation cried in devastation, in grief.
I still feel overwhelmed, when I think of it.
But I wonder, God . . . on that third day . . . when the price for my sin had been paid in full . . .
When Jesus stood up, stretched, and walked out of that tomb . . .
The sun shined on that day! Did it shine even brighter than ever before?
Did the flowers bloom more proudly?
Did the trees stand straighter?
I wonder if the fish splashed more, jumped higher. . .
I wonder if the birds sang more beautifully than they had. . .
I’ll bet they did!
Was the grass greener, the sky bluer? Did the colors of nature stand out in more stunning brilliance?
Something tells me they did.
Somehow, in my spirit, I just know it!
I know that on this day, when I remember fully what You did for me, I feel more alive than ever before!
And I also wonder . . .
If I’ll ever be able to show You how grateful I am.
Thank You, Lord.
AMEN and amen.
Thank you.
Love returned.