Getting Old

I John 2:17 “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.”

Cosmetics set

In my bathroom are dozens of tubes and pots and containers of lotions, cleansers and cosmetics, each one promising to make me look younger and more beautiful. Many of them promise to reverse time, take away wrinkles, make my skin look like it did twenty years ago. And yes, I use them. They make me feel pretty, even if they don’t do a thing. But the cold hard truth is, I’m getting older. Nothing is going to change that.

Why does everything have to get old? The new dress we were so excited to wear last year is now outdated. The new car we worked so hard for now has thousands of miles on it, and is worth only a fraction of its original value. Even the house, which we spend most of our lives trying to pay off, will eventually need a new roof and new A/C. Everything in this world will eventually pass away. And yet, we continue to pour our lives into acquiring more and more and more of these things.

There is a better way to spend our lives. God’s Word assures us that if we live for Him, we will live forever. Though our flesh may rot, our souls will appreciate in value! As we invest our lives in doing the will of our Father, we become more like Him, and in that, we are worth more with each passing moment.

Dear Father, Thank You for the promise of eternal life. Please help me to invest my life in the things that will last, not in the things that will pass away.


8 Responses to Getting Old

  1. April 23, 2009 #

    hey renae–hadn’t talked to you in a while but i couldn’t resist this one! can’t wait for our new body in heaven . . . with perfect skin! 🙂 love you!

  2. April 24, 2009 #

    Eileen!!!!! Believe it or not, I have thought about you so much lately. Great to “see” you. Yes, that new body will be great. I’m putting in an order for legs as long as yours. 😉

  3. April 24, 2009 #

    Hey, Renae…. Great post! Have been doing a little “investing” myself… The new blog is up and running, as is the facebook group! Thanks for your encouragement and support! 🙂
    Love you!

  4. April 24, 2009 #

    I’m so proud of you, Bitsy! I know God will use this ministry for young widows in a great way.

  5. April 25, 2009 #

    I thought you just had all those creams and lotions ‘cos you’re Texan! May the love of Christ compel us to greater love of others and to accept ourselves right where we’re at. God bless you and thanks for the morning chuckle. I’ll be 40 in October – I don’t feel a day older than 21, I don’t think, but some days I feel I’ve tripped right into my 60’s and I’m ready to retire. Alas, I thank God for every day.

  6. April 25, 2009 #

    Well, yes Sarah, you know us Texas gals need to look good! heheh

    Isn’t it funny how we don’t feel any different in our minds? But the mirror sure tells a different story! Good thing we can get prettier on the inside with age, even if the outer beauty fades over time. 😉

  7. April 26, 2009 #

    whenever i lament this (a common theme in your 40’s, no?!?!) i remind myself that God makes all things new!!!

  8. April 26, 2009 #

    I’ve heard that by the time we’re 50, we stop lamenting and just put our minds on other things . . . we’ll see, won’t we? 😉

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