Earning a Living

Philippians 4:15-16 “Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need.”

Paul was a tentmaker. He knew what it was to work hard, and to earn a living. Always in the past, he had earned his keep, and had never had to ask others for money. Yet, as Paul’s ministry grew, he found it more and more difficult to do ministry and earn a living. He was faced with a choice: either earn money to live on and let his ministry suffer, or devote all his time to the ministry and stop eating. He chose the latter.

Paul had planted many churches, and had touched countless lives with the good news of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many of these churches had the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. They were grateful for Paul’s ministry to them. They just forgot to show it.

Only the Philippians remembered Paul by sending him financial gifts. They knew he would never ask for money. The way he saw it, God knew his needs, and God would supply those needs. And God used the Philippians on more than one occasion to meet the needs of this great servant of God.

God rewarded their faithfulness. He made sure that for all of eternity, the rest of the world would know of their generosity to Paul. Can you imagine having your name, your church recorded in God’s written Word as an example to other churches and other Christians? Can you imagine being used as the standard for godliness and Christian love? Wow!

God wants us to take care of the people He has called to serve Him. When we don’t, when we treat our ministers as servants and expect them to live as paupers and beggars, God frowns. But when we make it our business to love, support, pray for and yes, even financially provide for His chosen ministers, God smiles. And God rewards those who love Him enough to care for His chosen ones.

Dear Father, Thank You for the men and women who have given their lives to serve You. Many of them have made a difference in my life. Please show me how You would like me to show love and support for Your servants.


One Response to Earning a Living

  1. November 19, 2007 #

    Boy, this spoke to me today, as so many of your posts do.
    Seems like God is on a roll with me lately, spurring me to be more generous with my giving to God’s causes and workers.
    Thanks, again, for being God’s spokesman in what you write about.
    And thanks for being so gentle and not hitting us over the head with a two-by-four!

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