I remember that rush I got, standing on the podium in the 1990 Olympics as they placed the gold medal around my neck. I remember the sense of accomplishment I felt, knowing I’d done my country proud. And the applause! Oh, the applause was amazing, ringing in my ears, getting louder and louder . . […]
For Love or Money, and Free book giveaway!

Hey guys! I’m happy to say that after many months I mean years, For Love or Money is finally launched and on the market! My street team is already busy reading the book, and hopefully we’ll have some reviews up soon. I will say, this book is jam-packed with excitement, adventure, ooshy-gooshy romance, adorable urchins, and […]
In Book Updates
Working Out

I don’t like to exercise. I don’t like anything about it. Believe me, I’ve tried. I’ve tried walking. I’ve tried jogging. I’ve tried Zumba and tennis and swimming and weightlifting. I’ve tried it with friends and alone, with the cute workout clothes and without (without cute clothes . . . uh . . . not […]
New book contract!
Last week, I was offered a book contract for Little Prayers, a fun gift book filled with short daily prayers and pithy quotes. To be released around Christmastime, I think. God is good!
In Book Updates