2 John 12 – 13: You’ve Got Mail

II John 12-13 “I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk to you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. The children of your chosen sister send their greetings.”

I love to get mail, don’t you? There is something exciting about pulling a personal letter out of the mailbox, and seeing a dear friend’s name in the return address box. Even e-mail is exciting, when it comes from someone you love and care about. But with that cherished letter often comes a longing to see the writer in person. Paper and ink is just no substitute for a real live hug, and for face-to-face conversation!


It is easy for us to get out of the habit of going to church, of spending time with other believers. But reading this devotional, or listening to a preacher on the radio or television can be a little like reading a letter. It’s nice, but it is no substitute for gathering together with like-minded people. When we choose to communicate long-distance or through cyber-space, rather than face-to-face, we miss out on the joy of friendship, of hugs, of the encouragement that God longs for His children to give to one another.

Dear Father, Please help me to make real, live, person-to-person friendship a priority in my life. Please continue to remind me of the joy I miss when I don’t spend time with other people. Help me to be a joy and an encouragement to everyone I see.

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