I John 5:20 “We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true – even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.”
One of my favorite movies is (don’t laugh, please) The Incredibles. This animated film about former superheroes trying to lead ordinary lives just cracks me up. I think it would be kind of cool to be a superhero, to be able to fly and leap buildings and have super-radar-vision. It would be especially cool to have those abilities when I’m faced with difficult, confusing circumstances. Sometimes, as a mere human, I’m caught not knowing what to do or what to believe.
As he ends his letter, John reminds us of one of his main reasons for writing in the first place. Many false teachers had shown up in the church, and John wanted to protect his “dear children” from these liars, these wolves in sheeps’ clothing. Here, John reminds his readers that Jesus is God’s Son, and that He has given us understanding. He has given us the ability to distinguish the truth from lies.
God is truth. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so that we might know the truth. We, as God’s children, need not be tossed about by whatever lies are being proclaimed as today’s “truth.” We need not question whether or not something is true. We have Jesus, who has given us understanding. To those of us who seek His truth, He gives a sort of super-radar vision, a wisdom of the things of God. God is truth, and anything contrary to God’s Word is a lie. If we are unsure, we need only ask our eternal God, and compare our questions with His Word, and He will make the truth clear to us.
Dear Father, Thank You for making the truth clear to me. When I am confused, help me to keep seeking Your truth until I find it. I love You.
His understanding — so much better than mine. That is exactly what I need!
Amen to that, Jeanette! And the great thing is, even when understanding is slow in coming, we can always trust Him.