1 John 5:19: Under Whose Control?

I John 5:19 “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

My family lives near an army base. I have, on occasion, visited that army base. While there, I’ve seen soldiers salute their ranking officers, and I’ve seen them scamper to do the bidding of those who are in authority over them. But I, as a civilian, don’t have to salute. Though I respect those in the military, I don’t have to obey an officer’s order to do push-ups or run this errand or that, because I’m not under that officer’s authority. I’m a civilian – not under military control.


John reassures us time and again that we can know we are children of God. As God’s children, we are not a part of this world, and we are not under Satan’s control. Satan is the ruler of this world, and those without Christ have no choice but to submit to his influence. But we do have a choice. We are God’s children, and we have the freedom to obey God.

In 1 Peter 1:1, Peter called us strangers in this world. We are strangers because we do not belong here. We are not under the authority of this world’s ruler. We are citizens of a different kingdom – the kingdom of heaven – which is a much greater kingdom. The prince of this world has limited power; our King is all-powerful! We can know that we are children of God, because membership in God’s family will bring about important changes in our lives and in our actions. We now have a choice! We do not have to sin, and keep on sinning, because we are no longer under Satan’s control.

Dear Father, Thank You for making me Your child, and for giving me the freedom to obey You. Please help me to share Your love with others, so that they, too, can have that freedom.

2 Responses to 1 John 5:19: Under Whose Control?

  1. July 20, 2009 #

    Well, it has taken me a good long time to catch on to the change in your site, but I finally figured it out! Thanks for a great devotional, Renae. Yes, we have a choice, thank God!

  2. July 20, 2009 #

    Hi Jeanette! I’m glad you finally found your way here. 😉 I’ve missed you.

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